Quote of the Day: Charles Dickens

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”
— Charles Dickens
In piggy-backing off yesterday’s blog, today’s quote subtly emphasizes the importance of thinking beyond oneself to add value to an overall organization (collaborative development rather than self-focused development). The best way to make yourself indispensable in the workplace is by lightening the burdens of others– you’ve finished your tasks for the day, so ask your colleague what you can do to help him out; you’re working on a project your boss seems very interested in, so send her regular updates before she has to inquire on your behalf.
There are countless ways, both grand and small, one can lighten the burdens of another. No matter how you pitch in, your effort to go above and beyond the call of duty, to lend a helping hand, won’t go unnoticed.
Today’s quote brought to you by Thoughtful Mind.
Photo: retrieved from Pixabay, available under the public domain.