Revisited: How To Warm Up Before Any Interview

by Sep 22, 2021

With all of autumn’s transitions, one of those changes might be the opportunity to pursue a new position. In order to do so, make sure you’re keeping an open mind to the opportunities all around you, and practicing gratitude for the ones that come your way, especially amidst our present unprecedented circumstances. In order to ace that interview, you’ll want to ensure that you’re being proactive and properly preparing yourself to give an ideal performance, providing your prospective employer with a phenomenal first impression of you. Working with your staffing agency contacts to prepare for your unique interview opportunity is just one step you can take on your way to a new position–you’ll also need to do a bit of work on your own! As part of that work, treat your interview like an audition. By which we mean make sure to warm up physically in addition to mentally! The pros we’re highlighting below offer up some surefire ways to do just that.


Laura McMullen at U.S. News provides this key method you won’t want to miss: “Warm up your vocal cords. Talk about a quick confidence killer: introducing yourself to the interviewers only to have your voice crack or sound strained. Don’t let a weak, I-woke-up-an-hour-ago voice set the tone for the rest of the day. Lewis Lin, founder and CEO of Impact Interview, an interview coaching service, suggests warming up your vocal cords, especially before phone interviews. Before the interview – say, on the drive to the office – speak through your talking points loud and clear, ‘as if you were an actor or actress getting ready for an audition,’ Lin says.” We appreciate this quick and easy suggestion for getting yourself ready to talk at length. If you’re feeling self-conscious about speaking out loud, humming helps get your vocal cords ready to go. Select your favorite song, and use that to amp yourself up in advance of your interview. Another great way to make sure your vocal cords are in great shape? Hydrate! Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water before your interview, as this will also help keep your voice from sounding weak or muffled.


We also love this tip highlighted by Dominique Rodgers at Monster from Bob Kulhan, founder & CEO of Business Improv in the New York City area: “Loosen up. ‘A warm-up exercise can help you relax, get out of your head and into the mental state where you are fully present and in the moment. A great warm-up you can do alone to get in the right mental state shortly before your interview is called ‘Shake ’em 8s.’ Hold your right arm out and shake your right hand, counting up to 8, then repeat the shake and count for your left hand, right foot and left foot. Then repeat the whole process counting up to 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2, until you finally shake each limb 1 time.’” This warm-up method might feel silly, but it’ll help you get any self-consciousness out of the way before you settle into your chair as an interviewee. And this bit of exercise can give you a boost of endorphins! That burst of positivity will shine through during your interview, impressing any potential employer. If you aren’t able to do the “shake ‘em 8s” while standing–or don’t want to–you can also modify this exercise to be done while seated. Even a little bit of movement can help dust off any mental cobwebs, get you out of your comfort zone for a moment, and allow you to be fully present once you’ve started the interview itself.


Preparation is key to being present. Make sure you’re taking advantage of every moment you have leading up to your interview to prepare both mentally and physically so that when it’s time to perform, you’ll be able to present your best self to your interviewer. View your interview as a warm up act before you’re given the position, a way to introduce your skill set and give your potential bosses a taste of your workplace performance. Approach planning for your interview holistically, and maintain your attention to detail by focusing on small, easy steps you can take to feel calm, collected, and in charge. You’ve got this! Join us again tomorrow as we consider even more ways to warm up to the start of fall in our Wednesday Wellness: Warm edition.


Image retrieved from Pixabay under the public domain

This posting is brought to you by Contemporaries Inc., one of the best temp agencies in Boston MA. Also available for payrolling employees in Boston and Greater Boston

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