Quote of the Day: Ludwig Hess

Quote of the Day: Ludwig Hess

Quote of the Day: Ludwig Hess A good listener is totally focused on the speaker with an open mind.   – Ludwig Hess Whether you are the CEO of an organization or a new trainee tasked on your first team assignment, exercising good listening skills are critical to...
Quote of the Day: Norman Vaughan

Quote of the Day: Norman Vaughan

Quote of the Day: Norman Vaughan Dream big and dare to fail.   – Norman Vaughan Whatever you do and wherever you do it, dream big and and work towards those goals.  There may be hiccups along the way, but when we stop imagining something better, we stop moving...
Step 5 of Interview Preparation: Know the Location and Be Early

Step 5 of Interview Preparation: Know the Location and Be Early

Step 5 of Interview Preparation: Know the Location and Be Early First impressions matter and being late to an interview does not get you started on the right foot. It also shouldn’t happen if you: a) look up the location beforehand, b) save the address and contact...
Quote of the Day: Albert Einstein

Quote of the Day: Albert Einstein

Quote of the Day: Albert Einstein Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.   – Albert Einstein Whether you are picturing where you will be in five years or just getting prepared for an upcoming meeting at work, as Albert Einstein observes,...
Step 4 of Interview Preparation: Know What You Will Bring to the Job

Step 4 of Interview Preparation: Know What You Will Bring to the Job

Step 4 of Interview Preparation: Know What You Will Bring to the Job Take the time to consider what skills and experience you will bring to the job. If there are experiences relevant to the work of the new position, jot them down and review them before your interview....