Human Resources
Resources for Employees
Welcome to Contemporaries
At Contemporaries we want all of our employees to succeed in every assignment they are placed in. So, we’ve come up with a few simple guidelines on topics and subjects which there have been a number of inquiries about.
Guidelines For a Successful Assignment
Sick Time
We understand that things happen and if you are going to be out sick while on assignment, you MUST call or email Contemporaries by 8 a.m. that morning alerting us to the situation and letting us know whether you have also notified your On-site Supervisor. In addition, you will need to fill out a Sick Time form and email it back to Contemporaries within five days of being out sick. The form can be found on our website.
*All Contemporaries employees on assignment begin accruing sick time the first day they begin their assignment at a rate of one hour per 30 hours worked. The total amount of sick time an employee may accrue within a 12 month period is 40 hours. The total amount of sick time an employee can use within a 12 month period is 40 hours. Accrued Sick Time can be used after the first 90 days of employment. For more information on accrued Sick Time, please refer to our form or check with one of our Recruiters.
Time Off
While you are on assignment, in many cases you are filling in for someone else who is on leave or may have just left the position. So, it is always recommended that you take this into consideration when requesting time off in order to continue on the assignment.
All time off must be approved by Contemporaries
Please call or email us in advance and with as much notice as possible on any future time off you will be requesting. Follow this protocol whether the time is an hour, a day or a week.
After working a certain number of hours, in most cases which amounts to roughly a year, Contemporaries employees are eligible for specific paid holidays and paid time off or paid Vacation time. If you are approaching this mark, please check with our Recruiters who can follow up for you with Payroll for you.
*In some cases, the number of hours worked differs per the contractual agreement Contemporaries may have with a specific entity.
Check-In Calls
As I said already mentioned, we are dedicated to helping you succeed in your assignments. That is why our Recruiters, on a rotating basis, will call you weekly, or in some cases bi-weekly. We really want to know if the assignment has changed at all, how you are making out in the position, and whether you have any additional information to share with us.
Given the fact most of our employees end up in permanent positions as a result of their first, second, or even third assignment, maintaining the lines of communication is essential.
Since Contemporaries is your employer, MAKE SURE to pick up the call or call back on your lunch or break or make special arrangements to speak before or after your workday.
Timecards and Pay
In order to receive your paycheck or your direct deposit on time, we MUST have either your signed timecard or the hours you worked no later than Sunday. For example, if you last workday is Friday – if we receive the information by Sunday – there is be no delay in your pay. However, if we do not receive the timecard or information until Monday morning or later, you will have to wait a week for your pay.
In most cases signed timecards should be emailed to Contemporaries on Friday. However, in the event that you are unable to have your timecard signed, email us or call NO LATER THAN Sunday and let us know how many hours you worked. You can send the signed timecard on Monday. If we don’t receive the information by the weekend, you will have to wait another week for a paycheck or direct deposit to be processed with no exceptions.
Our Blogs
Finally, if you are looking for advice, resources and guidance on how to put your best foot forward and make the most of your assignment, you can check out our blogs which are chock full of positive and inspirational tips for a better you! The blogs can be found here.
HR Forms
Time Card & Instructions
Visit this page to download and submit your timecard.
Sick Time Form & Instructions
Visit this page to download and submit your Sick Time Form.
Visit this page to learn about employee benefits.
Living Wages

$15 Minimum
Contemporaries is committed to offering its employees a living wage of at least $15 an hour. Chief Executive Officer Donna Fitzgerald implemented the $15 minimum hourly wage and hopes her actions will inspire others to follow. This is just a small part of what makes us one of the best staffing agencies in Boston, MA.
“Not only is raising wages to a minimum of $15 an hour the right thing to do, but it also helps us to attract and retain excellent employees. These employees, in turn, are very invested in their own positions and they do an outstanding job because they know they are valued members of a real team.” – Donna Fitzgerald, CEO of Contemporaries
Employee Benefits
When you get sick, we’ve got you covered.
Weekly Pay
Our pay period is weekly, not biweekly or monthly.
Holiday Pay
We offer paid holidays.
Vacation Pay
Our employees get their getaways.