Quote of the Day: Fred Brooks

Quote of the Day: Fred Brooks

Quote of the Day: Fred Brooks Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment. -Fred Brooks It’s important to remember that all of us fail, usually multiple times, before we succeed. Remember this if you make a mistake at work in...
Don’t Know the Answer? Don’t Panic.

Don’t Know the Answer? Don’t Panic.

You’re interviewing for a job, and all of the sudden the unthinkable happens. Despite all of your hard work and preparation, the hiring manager throws you for a loop and asks a question you don’t know the answer to. Suddenly the interview you thought was...
Quote of the Day: Steve Maraboli

Quote of the Day: Steve Maraboli

It is important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on. -Steve Maraboli Everyone makes mistakes, and research shows that us humans tend to make more mistakes than successes. Mistakes are a normal part of learning....
When You Mess Up

When You Mess Up

Most people would agree that screwing up at work is never a good feeling. The pit in the bottom of your stomach is a feeling all professionals know well, but prefer to avoid. So what should you do if you mess something up? How should you handle it gracefully and...