We take care in finding the right match for our people, which is why most are offered permanent roles.
Tips for Career Success in 2025
Author: Contemporaries Team Tips for Career Success in 2025 As our Boston-based staffing firm Contemporaries Inc. approaches its 27-year anniversary next month, we have seen numerous employment trends, cycles, and behaviors come and go. However, there are universal...
Artificial Intelligence May Not Be the Best Bet When It Comes to Hiring Staff
Author: Contemporaries Team Artificial Intelligence (AI) and software programs may have its advantages when it comes to weeding out unqualified candidates, but at Contemporaries, Inc. we still believe in the human touch. While companies and some staffing firms are...
In Challenging Economic Times Having a Temp Job May be the Key to a Permanent Post
Author: Contemporaries Team When the economy is booming, unemployment is usually down. Qualified candidates can write their own ticket for a plum position in the field or company of their choice. However, when the economy takes a downward turn, securing a temporary...