Jun 14, 2019
Quote of the Day: The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing Careful planning prevents many unnecessary difficulties, but don’t forward-thinking to reach the point of procrastination. In the end, you should follow Walt Disney’s advice, that:... Jun 7, 2019
Quote of the Day: I am always busy, which is perhaps the chief reason why I am always well The ability to take ‘initiative’ when the more routine work slows is quality that leadership looks for when choosing who to elevate within an organization. When a... Jun 3, 2019
Quote of the Day: He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out the plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life. Plan your day and follow it through. By laying out objectives to a schedule, goals can... May 31, 2019
Quote of the Day: You’ve got to know what you want. This is central to acting on your intentions. When you know what you want, you realize that all there is left then is time management. You’ll manage your time to achieve your goals Time management becomes... Sep 26, 2018
Self-Imposed Deadlines the Key to Success? Throughout your life there will always be deadlines you will have to meet. The way you approach them, however, can positively or negatively impact your career. Creating your own deadlines may make a substantially positive and...