“Managing” Time

Can one really manage time? The short answer is no. The more eloquently phrased answer is: “money can be managed. People can be managed. Schedules can be managed. Time can only be accounted for,”” as Kat Boogaard quotes Charlie Gilkey in her article “Asking This One Question Helps Me Feel Like I have More Hours In The Day.”
Rather than trying to wake up earlier, stay up later, or work through meals, we should realize that no matter how hard we try to make more time, there are still only 24 hours in a day. Time itself, as an intangible process, cannot be managed.
You can, however, arrange your priorities within a scope of time to check off all those pending items on your to-do list. Really, “time management” is more an issue of “priority management.” Wasting your time on those tasks that aren’t as pressing as the priority tasks will leave you feeling unaccomplished and with the same important tasks on your list for tomorrow.
Stop the cycle! Get a handle on your priorities and prioritize them; you will feel there are suddenly more hours in a day after approaching your to-do list in this manner.
Photo: retrieved from Pixabay, available under the public domain.