Finding Success as a Young Professional

by Sep 27, 2017

Gaining traction in your career is challenging when you’re new to the work force. It may feel daunting trying to figure out what to do and how to conduct one’s self in the professional world. Oftentimes it can feel like you’re treading water and just trying to stay afloat.

Finding success as a young person can be quite a feat, but it isn’t impossible. The key to this is starting and maintaining good habits that will help you grow, learn, and ultimately succeed in the workplace. Deep Patel outlines some great tips and habits on how young professionals can build success and leadership skills. Find his article here. Here are some highlights we find particularly helpful…

  • Listen more than you talk: There’s a reason we have two ears and one mouth! The only way to learn is by actively listening to those around you, particularly your supervisors. They have a wealth of knowledge to share, and can help you learn as much as you can about your job and the industry you work in.
  • Be humble: This one might seem obvious, but it’s really important. Having a humble attitude will gain you more respect in the workplace, and foster a healthy work environment for you and your team. Take advice and criticism in stride, and remember who helped you get to where you are now.
  • Give and ask for candid feedback: A big part of being a professional, especially a successful one, is learning to effectively receive criticism. Getting criticism (constructive or otherwise) is rarely pleasant, particularly when you’re new to it. However, constructive criticism is the only way you’ll learn from your mistakes. Bumps along the way are a normal part of the learning curve of a job; the important thing is that you learn from them. Conversely, give honest (but constructive!) criticism to your colleagues when appropriate. The more you discuss challenges and solutions, the better off your whole team will be.

Image retrieved form Pixabay under the public domain

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