Recently Graduated and Looking for a Job in Boston? Here’s What You Need to Do

Looking for your first job after graduation is an exciting and stressful time. Finding your first job out of college can be a challenge; however, that first job will ultimately determine the rest of your career path and your lifetime earning potential. The pressure to succeed is intense. If you are searching for a job in Boston after graduation, use these strategies for a successful search.
Craft a Cover Letter
Some candidates skip the cover letter, but this document is key to making the case that a hiring manager should call you for an interview. Craft a cover letter that shows you read the posting carefully and understand the qualifications of the job. Make the cover letter about the value you bring to the table, not the value the employer can bring to you. Hiring managers want to know, “what’s in it for me,” when evaluating applications.
Update Your LinkedIn Profile
If you don’t have a profile, you are lowering your chances of being considered. Make sure your headshot is professional and all fields are filled in. Make your profile public and opt for a personalized URL that includes your name, and include it in your resume and cover letter so hiring managers can find you quickly.
It is also important to have a searchable LinkedIn profile so recruiters can find you when conducting searches to fill jobs in Boston for new grads. Hiring managers and recruiters actively seek out candidates when they are looking to fill an opening, make sure you can be found easily.
Work With a Career Expert Who Does Things Differently
Recent graduates expect that after graduation, they may send out a lot of resumes for positions that either aren’t a good fit or they’re not qualified for. Not only can this be time-consuming, it can also be disheartening when positions don’t pan out. To increase your chances of finding an excellent job quickly, partner with a professional recruiter who has a proven track record providing career services for recent grads.
Many recruiters can help you access jobs you wouldn’t have heard about without them, but to really achieve success, look for a recruiter who is willing to break from this mold. Truly great staffing firms work to match you and your unique skill set to each position and client. They are focused on not only forging a strong relationship with the employer, they genuinely care about you as a person (not just a resume). They will take the time to learn about your core competencies, skills and career goals; then match you to a job that positions you for long-term career success.
If you are looking for your first job in Boston, partner with the professionals at Contemporaries, Inc. As the top Boston temp agency, we have a 98 percent success rate for placement, and 90 percent of our placements turn into permanent positions. Contact us today to learn more about our commitment to your success as well as the benefits you will receive with our team.