Interviewing When You Don’t Feel Confident

Interviewing for a new job is always nerve-wracking. You want to show your best self to your potential new employers and show them what you have to get the job done.
But what if you feel like the job might be a bit out of your league? Understandably, you’ll probably feel even more nervous. Rest assured that you must have at least some of the necessary qualifications if you made it through the door. Also, Contemporaries’ relationship with its clients has already gotten you far in the process. Nonetheless, here are a few tips from the article 4 Things to Do When Interviewing For a Job That Feels Out of Your League, by Jane Burnett:
- Talk about the right skills: You might not have all the experience they’re looking for, but you probably have the skills. Highlight them. Use examples of when you used these skills in action. Hiring managers always want to know specifics. Craft your answers around what they’re looking for, and don’t waste time talking about skills or experience you have that don’t pertain to the job.
- Research the field: You never want to walk into an interview knowing nothing about the client you’re meeting with. When prepping our candidates for interviews, we always tell them to look up the company beforehand. You want to appear invested and interested in what they do and their mission.
- Show your interested in learning more: Employers often like the opportunity of a “blank slate” who is open to learning. Emphasize how interested and excited you are to learn the new skills that would come with the job, and they’re much more likely to want to train you.
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