Oct 19, 2018
Quote of the Day: Theodore Roosevelt Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt We are all capable of more than we expect. If believing that you can gets you halfway there, then taking steps with that belief held firm will get you the... Oct 15, 2018
Quote of the Day: Abraham Lincoln Whatever you are, be a good one. – Abraham Lincoln If you have accepted a position, then be good at it and commit yourself to doing it to the best of your abilities. This is of course easier if it is your dream job, but if the... Oct 10, 2018
Quote of the Day: Peter T. McIntyre Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong. – Peter T. McIntyre When you show confidence in your actions at work it encourages the confidence of others. Likewise, should you be tentative or... May 23, 2018
Advantages to a Clean, Decluttered Work Space I recently wrote a blog titled Making Your Work Space Yours with suggestions on how to create a productive, inviting space for yourself at work. It got me thinking about how important our workspaces are, and how it ties... May 2, 2018
Boosting Your Confidence Confidence is important when it comes to your job; it gives you the strength to think of new ideas, lead a team, and so much more. So many of us struggle with confidence at work, especially if you’re new to the workplace. Building up...