Author: Contemporaries Team

When the economy is booming, unemployment is usually down. Qualified candidates can write their own ticket for a plum position in the field or company of their choice.

However, when the economy takes a downward turn, securing a temporary position may be your best bet for landing a permanent job and being able to pay the bills. With a tough economy, also comes hiring freezes and scaled down work forces. The cost of bringing a new employee own, complete with a salary and benefits, may be just too costly for some public and private entities.

On the bright side, the work still must be done. In those cases, employers from all industries and venues usually reach out to staffing firms, like Contemporaries, Inc. to fill the void.

In other instances, potential employers may hesitate to bring a new employee on simply because they are afraid if the person does not work out, they do not want to be in a position of having to fire them. Again, in those cases, organizations will turn to staffing agencies to bring in contract workers.

Here are a few tips on how to land a quality temporary position and increase your chances for later getting hired permanently.

  • Prepare a quality resume listing all your skills (including software programs and platforms you know and/or have worked on), certifications, work experience, and honors or achievements you have accomplished.
  • Include a brief email or cover letter explaining your desire for employment and career aspirations.
  • Be flexible! If your degree is in Communications, but you cannot find a position in your field, try getting your foot through the door by applying for a different position. If you are placed on assignment in an alternative job, chances are there will be opportunities to showcase your communications skills.
  • Make yourself more marketable. Learn as much as you can while in your temporary position and take advantage to any training sessions for new skills that are offered.
  • Finally, take your assignment and the job seriously. Work hard and make yourself indispensable!

Picture by Gerald Altmann from Pixabay