Become a Confident Person

We all know those people who zoom through life, always ambitious, always reaching the goals they set for themselves. These people inspire us, we strive to be more like them. What’s their secret? Confidence. And no matter how much we want to think confidence is something you’re born with, we know the opposite to be true. The only thing standing between you and a confident attitude is you.
In his article “Ten Things Genuinely Confident People Do Differently,” Dr Travis Bradberry describes what confident people do (and what you can do, too) to exude confidence. Here are our favorite tips:
- Speak with certainty. Ever hear someone stammer, stall, or use “umm” excessively who you would describe as “confident?” Neither have we. Speaking assertively and with authority leaves a confident impression.
- Seek out small victories. Bradberry says it best: “Confident people like to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield small victories… When you have a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.”
- Derive happiness from within. For confident people, happiness does not come from others’ approval of their accomplishments; the approval, praise, and happiness is all internal.
Photo: retrieved from Pixabay, available under the public domain.