Resume Tips: Keep it Clean, Clear & Simple

Resume Tips: Keep it Clean, Clear & Simple

Resume Tips: Keep it Clean, Clear & Simple When writing your resume, keep it clean, clear and simple.  Your prospective employer shouldn’t have to riffle through pages or try to decipher your meaning. One clear page is better than several with unnecessary...
My Resume is Too Long! What Can I Do?

My Resume is Too Long! What Can I Do?

My Resume is Too Long! What Can I Do? Everyone knows the cardinal rule of resumes: keep it to one page. Even recent grads with little or no professional experience can find this to be a challenge. Hopefully, there’s a lot you want to add to show what...
Resume Basics: What NOT To Do

Resume Basics: What NOT To Do

Resume Basics: What NOT To Do Any recruiter looks at dozens of resumes on a daily basis. That being said, there are always some that stand out, and not always for the right reasons. Your resume is a piece of paper that, quite literally, tells the story of you as an...
How to Market Transferable Skills

How to Market Transferable Skills

How to Market Transferable Skills At Contemporaries, we know that transferable skills are how candidates can move from one job to the next, especially if the new job isn’t exactly aligned with the previous one. However, it’s not enough to simply have the...
Clean Up That Resume

Clean Up That Resume

It’s no secret that having a tip-top resume is critical in the job search. But what should and shouldn’t be included on it? The answer may vary depending on who you ask… Typically it’s best to purge your resume of the unnecessary things to make...