Step 8 of Interview Preparation: Post-Interview Questions

Step 8 of Interview Preparation: Post-Interview Questions

Step 8 of Interview Preparation: Post-Interview Questions In the seven preceding interview preparation steps, the goal was to get you to the interview on time and ready to answer questions comfortably. Step eight involves preparation for the moment’s right after...
Step 7 of Interview Preparation: Print Hard-Copies

Step 7 of Interview Preparation: Print Hard-Copies

Step 7 of Interview Preparation: Print Hard-Copies It is best to arrive at an interview ready for anything and that means having hard-copies of your resume and references at hand. While your interviewer may already have a copy of your resume printed, as Alie Hallbock...
Step 6 of Interview Preparation: Practice Aloud

Step 6 of Interview Preparation: Practice Aloud

Step 6 of Interview Preparation: Practice Aloud Even if you have brainstormed the answers for every possible question that your interviewers could ask and taken good notes, you should still practice delivering your answers aloud.  As Alia Hollback observes in her...
Step 5 of Interview Preparation: Know the Location and Be Early

Step 5 of Interview Preparation: Know the Location and Be Early

Step 5 of Interview Preparation: Know the Location and Be Early First impressions matter and being late to an interview does not get you started on the right foot. It also shouldn’t happen if you: a) look up the location beforehand, b) save the address and contact...
Step 4 of Interview Preparation: Know What You Will Bring to the Job

Step 4 of Interview Preparation: Know What You Will Bring to the Job

Step 4 of Interview Preparation: Know What You Will Bring to the Job Take the time to consider what skills and experience you will bring to the job. If there are experiences relevant to the work of the new position, jot them down and review them before your interview....