Finding Workplace Calm in Mind and Body

by Jun 23, 2020

While having a great mindset is essential to keeping your cool, it’s important to remember that your body is also part of maintaining calmness. Responding to stress is a holistic experience. So is getting rid of that stress! From the very breath you take to the sleep you get, it all impacts your ability to keep calm and carry on. The pros we’re turning to below for today’s ways to maintain your cool (even when it’s hot outside!) will provide you with ways to do just that.


We love this simple method from Faisal Hoque at Fast Company: “CONTROL YOUR BREATHING. Whenever we are anxious, we tend to take quick, shallow breaths. This is called hyperventilating, and it can make us feel dizzy, light-headed, and panicky. It can also interfere with our judgment. If you catch yourself hyperventilating, try inhaling a deep breath through your nose, holding it a second, and releasing it from your mouth. Repeat this exercise until you feel calmer. This is a form of meditation.” It can be easy to forget this very simple step when you’re caught off guard or deep in the middle of tackling a high-stakes task at work. But don’t panic! Make sure your brain is getting enough oxygen. Take a deep breath. And keep moving.


You also won’t want to miss this tip from Kevin Kruse with The American Institute of Stress about what people do to successfully manage stress in their professional environments: “They Take Care of Their Bodies. There’s a lot of wisdom in those Snickers commercials that claim you aren’t you when you’re hungry. Our environment is the biggest variable when it comes to behavior, and our body is the immediate environment of our minds. Successful people are intentional about when and what they eat. Your new mantra: Food is fuel! There is probably nothing more controversial in the health and fitness world than what and when to eat. High protein diets, vegan diets, intermittent fasting, so many options! For myself, if I want to optimize for motivation and energy (not rapid weight loss) I consume five small slow or low-carb meals a day. Successful people are also intentional about their sleep. In my book, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management, I interviewed 13 Olympic athletes and their number one secret was to get more sleep. Eight hours of sleep isn’t realistic for most of us, but instead of focusing on the quantity of sleep, you should focus on the quality of sleep (ie, maximizing time in deep sleep). Keep your room dark, quiet, and cool. If you want to monitor the amount of deep sleep you get each night, I’ve personally tried and would recommend these trackers: Whoop, Fitbit, Withings.” Whether you’re looking for a high-tech or a low-tech (or no-tech, if you check out Kruse’s book!) approach, these suggestions have you covered. Just as there are many technological options for improving your ability to keep your cool, everyone’s body is different. Taking time to figure out what works best for your unique self will help you calm down faster in response to any professional quandaries. When you’re feeling your best, you’ll be able to do your best work. You’ll also be able to spread a sense of calm throughout your workplace community.


When things get overwhelming, break down your tasks into smaller, more easily obtainable components. Start with something you do naturally: breathe in. Just by taking that simple action, you’re already moving in the right direction. Be sure to fuel your body, and to make sure you’re getting the rest that you need to recharge, so that you can show up as your best self when supporting your colleagues and employers. For more ways to get into the right, cool mindset, join us again tomorrow for our Wednesday Wellness: Cool edition.


Image retrieved from Pixabay under the public domain.

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